ILMO – a mobile system with a sliding bed-rack module.

Design: Studio Rygalik

The mobility of the furniture is ensured by a mechanical element hidden in the body of the sliding element. Hiding the mechanism in the furniture makes the structure flexible in terms of interior’s characteristics in which it is located and can be easily adapted to any changes. The mobile module moves thanks to the wheels attached to the body, driven by a dedicated mechanism. The mechanism is powered by a module hidden in the mobile body. The mechanism is powered by a module hidden in the mobile body. The location of the furniture does not require any interference with the floor, and it does not depend on the placement of the walls of the room.
The furniture consists of two modules:
● static – wardrobe with a designated work area
● mobile – bed, with storage space and mounted lighting.
After moving this module, it reveals additional space, i.e. a place to work and a place for storage. The furniture module is equipped with a motion sensor, which ensures safety when using the storage or working function, it also stops the furniture from sliding when it senses movement between the modules. The graphic notation of the name ILMO refers to the furniture’s structure and its mobility aspect.

sp. o.o.

Dear Sirs,
After 18 years of operating under the name '', the time for change has
come. Our strategy remains the same, namely to serve the hotel furniture market. Since 2015, we
have been dynamically (in cooperation with our sister company "Tossi") developing furniture
production based on furniture boards and wood (furnishings for rooms, reception areas, bars,
lobbies). Increasingly, as a general contractor, we are supervising a wide range of construction,
installation and assembly work, especially in the European Union markets.
We believe that the new logo and name will fully reflect our team's vision for the years to
We would hereby like to inform you that as of 2 January 2024, the company
" limited liability company changes its name to: FANDE limited liability
The form of business and other company data, such as address, NIP, REGON and KRS numbers,
remain unchanged

On behalf of the Board of Directors of "Fande" Ltd:
Peter Mussmann, Andrzej Piątkowski, Wojciech Sasin

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